Sunday, August 10, 2014

Rush begins approval. Result of day 8 from LINE creators market sales start

Sales of day 8 "¥ 174"

"HOJI-MAN" I am still working hard!
And keep the place around 2000!

About 50 In terms of deviation?
Because it works 2-3 of his soil amateur
Would not it have fared?
good job

I want reinforcements quickly. Stickers seven, if approved all, (per person) also ought to know a dream rotation sushi every day.

Also "Hickey" and "Wu-Tang"
1 month elapsed from the application!
I feel good to come approved "Hickey" in the number of updates
"Wu-Tang" would be a few more times?

It is not funny "AD HOJI-MAN" also be approved anymore the number of updates.
Apparently there is also a stamp out approval in two weeks and that's the second series.

Expected I can not tell at all re-apply for "chocolate"
Update has come, but ...?

Update has stopped at the end of June also "dachshund".
Until then stopped Innovation and Pitta but have come quite a number of times.

But only twice Nde did not notice also updates "HOJI-MAN",
The number of updates is not deceptive.
not deceptive.

"Please advertise on Twitter and blog updates When you come!"
You have received without permission it's a sign of LINE side called.

For "Communication of hand", three months from the application soon.

Only that I get a review still three times since it was rejected, and thankfully.

Let's look at injury time of about two weeks.
Let's look at injury time

The past few days, the number of New LINE STORE very often.
200 much wonder there were not growing at only yesterday?

If you do not approve 2,000 a month
Is unbearably Do's examination situation Endless Summer

3-month examination period is it to come from the first day of registration set soon
There is no reason to reject If you do not approve nice and quick
The likely reached the limit patience also (experience story)

If it rejected without even once even been approved
"What!'m Different and the first 500"
It becomes to be like that

Heck, LINE might approve about 1000 every day for about a week now.

Well, not in LINE and ending examination at 3 months.

Future trends anxious

And "feeling that you want to approve fast"
"Impatience sales might fall in New Rush"
The "Thoughts swaying" to these two

You want to concentrate on making stamp without thinking anything.

At, perhaps because of this approval Rush
Sales ... of a 12-hour elapsed time today
"¥ 0"

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