Friday, August 15, 2014

Access blog whether increased? Day 10 from your own sales start in LINE Creators Market

Access blog whether increased?
Day 10 from your own sales start in LINE Creators Market.

SEO of "Hatch Group Holdings" is the zeta.

Last night, killer content of the highlights of access up Battle
"How people who do not put a picture to make stickers of LINE Creators Market (own sales)"
Created by the hard.

After all, it is finished in 1:30 midnight,
It did not lead to the access of up yesterday,
I did not even afford to put internal links,
This page is to demonstrate the power and it would be after tomorrow

Students entering the summer holidays, so the main target for a while,
I wanted to make earlier.

If sticker much there, But working time is to not take much,
Take time terribly when it comes to make a site that explains to people.

First, the announcement of the number of accesses yesterday anxious! !
How far grew from around 30 ~ 40pv usually! !


It went up a little, but it has not changed much.

Well, sales of "HOJI- MAN" is ... Did you mean

Sales of the day 10 "147 yen"

Over over the spell of "heal" is at stake! !
I seem to this "Healslime" blog.

And whether the effect of access up,
Just what a coincidence.

It 's access concentrate like crazy beam internal links tonight!

The core business to do my best night from now for the time being

Monday, August 11, 2014

Finally sales or "0 yen"! ? Day 9 from LINE Creators Market Launch

Have been pounding.
Announced the results of the day 9 from LINE Creators Market Launch!

What ...

"¥ 43"

safe line stickers

Avoid the "0" somehow!
Who bought me the good job! !

thanks line stickers

It was dangerous Oh!

The person who bought always
And I was wondering whether you infected someone're using, it's people who saw this blog,

Most I've been me find from New Arrival LINE STORE!

It was excuse me, you find yourself also to difficult from the New.

By the way, it was what it now or not?

Approval Rush'm like ceased,
Means to re-levitation ....'ll not found.
 it was what it now or not?

It's up access Battle start of the blog!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Rush begins approval. Result of day 8 from LINE creators market sales start

Sales of day 8 "¥ 174"

"HOJI-MAN" I am still working hard!
And keep the place around 2000!

About 50 In terms of deviation?
Because it works 2-3 of his soil amateur
Would not it have fared?
good job

I want reinforcements quickly. Stickers seven, if approved all, (per person) also ought to know a dream rotation sushi every day.

Also "Hickey" and "Wu-Tang"
1 month elapsed from the application!
I feel good to come approved "Hickey" in the number of updates
"Wu-Tang" would be a few more times?

It is not funny "AD HOJI-MAN" also be approved anymore the number of updates.
Apparently there is also a stamp out approval in two weeks and that's the second series.

Expected I can not tell at all re-apply for "chocolate"
Update has come, but ...?

Update has stopped at the end of June also "dachshund".
Until then stopped Innovation and Pitta but have come quite a number of times.

But only twice Nde did not notice also updates "HOJI-MAN",
The number of updates is not deceptive.
not deceptive.

"Please advertise on Twitter and blog updates When you come!"
You have received without permission it's a sign of LINE side called.

For "Communication of hand", three months from the application soon.

Only that I get a review still three times since it was rejected, and thankfully.

Let's look at injury time of about two weeks.
Let's look at injury time

The past few days, the number of New LINE STORE very often.
200 much wonder there were not growing at only yesterday?

If you do not approve 2,000 a month
Is unbearably Do's examination situation Endless Summer

3-month examination period is it to come from the first day of registration set soon
There is no reason to reject If you do not approve nice and quick
The likely reached the limit patience also (experience story)

If it rejected without even once even been approved
"What!'m Different and the first 500"
It becomes to be like that

Heck, LINE might approve about 1000 every day for about a week now.

Well, not in LINE and ending examination at 3 months.

Future trends anxious

And "feeling that you want to approve fast"
"Impatience sales might fall in New Rush"
The "Thoughts swaying" to these two

You want to concentrate on making stamp without thinking anything.

At, perhaps because of this approval Rush
Sales ... of a 12-hour elapsed time today
"¥ 0"

Saturday, August 9, 2014

LINEsticker "Litte bird in the shell of the egg"Towards the purchaser

"Litte bird in the shell of the egg" the LINE Creators stamp this time
Thank you for your purchase.

Things for sale now is a limited edition of up to 15 days. Instead character is large
We are in a state that does not see the edge of the sticker.
It is enough not to care about the ordinary. There is no problem to use.

I am applying for those fixed before about two weeks.
I think so it would be fixed in the download as soon as re-approved.
(Character will appear one size smaller)

Since I would like to report in this HP Once approved
Thank you (ZETA)

Friday, August 8, 2014

Dividend 62 yen? 7 Results day from LINE Clie Tars market sales start

Day 7 from LINE creators market sales start

Day 7 ... "¥ 161"

yes line stickers

I am working hard somehow "HOJI-MAN".
Thanks thanks!

The late Good luck fellow until coming!

By the way, weird forehead ... the dividend today

What! ? "¥ 62"


Yeah ...? ?

why hands line stickers

I'm not that ¥ 31 is two I surely?

I wonder does a gentleman of anywhere in the country?

There is a ¥ 62 ··· quite difference between the ¥ 37.
There is a ¥ 62 ··· quite difference between the ¥ 37

Brilliant mind is if you know of anywhere this country anymore sales,
I wonder make stickers eyeing.

Because it is not a dexterity such for me Well,
The only single-mindedly make the sticker never everyone saw yet!

Like crazy fog concept and is was released recently,
It is hard to're island become like second decoction.

I but I think that it is not lost, even if wearing,
The picture ... except

Picture is not it? 'S most important!
LINE stickers Straight Man of Japan

Results of the sixth day from the sale starts at LINE creators market

Results of the sixth day from the sale starts at LINE creators market

Day 6 ¥ 160

About four in one day, I have continued selling somehow!

Yesterday, work because it was a holiday,
I went to sushi in the family "HOJI-MAN" launched Memorial.


Sushi is delicious as usual.

"Saikyo miso ramen"

Was delicious. . . .
This ¥ 280! ?

"2 dish sushi and ramen even this good lunch"

... Just ... you do not know ... what do you want to say
"I hope if you make this kind of sticker"
.... I thought so.

Oh, ... from the time I would have become a sticker craftsman.

Slow today and ... that I'm going to sleep anymore
The early morning of sticker craftsman.
sleep line sticker

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fifth day sales start. Commentary of "HOJI-MAN"

LINE creators stickers "HOJI-MAN"

Or please search for "HOJI-MAN" in the "Stamp Shop" from the application.

It is the work which was manufactured in the third.
Early - mid-April almost the same as "THE Hand" Produced time

It became an opportunity to make it,
When they saw had been continuously fed in a continuous picture of the stamp wife drunk, are Hoji~tsu nose sister of bride

It's "This! "

I think (laughs)

And ... that there was how to use this stamp

I do not use only among people who get on great
It is felt such a stamp ... interesting.

Basic applications and to chase the pressure by sending a continuous to people who do not give me the answer.

"Sarcastic so much does not feel it because I only pick the nose and ears"
It is attractive is also the greatest merit of this sticker is this.

<Example 1>
When there is no answer to has become to read

Later, repeat until the answer comes

<Example 2>
When the answer came at last

... You pick if there is no reply

Reply came!

The pick once

And express the joy

When a reply is not like of course

You can many other.

Combo or combination of course also possible to make to think on their own.

Please enjoy to download by all means.

The results of the fifth day sales ¥ 204.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fourth day sales start to learn Twitter for publicity.

Fourth day, starting selling "HOJI-MAN" at the earliest.

Core business is also busy or because of the typhoon.
I've put the emphasis on promotional activities while studying twitter.

Image of man that the promotional activities


"URL shortening"

"Hash tag"

So I remember.
yes man

It will be easy for people who are usually Twitter kit.
I have to understand in a few days I was a little tired.
It is important to promote any technology.

But, when you access analysis,
Propaganda "HOJI-MAN" in twitter might limit the other soon.
It's also time to advertise is to take,
Does not make sense to not increase the followers of LINE sticker creator other than.
There will be a limit to just hash tag.

Sales of ¥ 163 fourth day sales start
thanks line sticker

If you are traveling, the approval of the second came at last!
It's time out for today!
More tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 3 and sales start to the mystery of the dividend

For the amount of the dividend.
If you think well well
It's not fixed I value of the coin.

There is a discount to buy a large amount of coins.
HOJI-MAN is LINE sticer

And whether they are calculated by the average amount of coins purchased in each country?
How are you calculating the average amount of the purchase to each purchaser?

Actually because we coin sold at this price, I guess I'm not the norm get 50 yen per one stamp.

Consumption tax was a tax when viewed instructions carefully.
In the case of ¥ 37, its nearly 1.08 times that is ¥ 40.
Double that, ¥ 80 (including tax) is to bet that the value of 50 coins.

Dividends are the following patterns when the ¥ 37.

500 coin → ¥ 800 @ 50 coin → ¥ 80 ⇒ ¥ 40 [¥ 37 (tax)]

Although I'm only hypothesis Well.
I wonder if there is no official announcement sometime?
I wonder if there is no official announcement sometime?

A result of the third day
"314 yen"

Thank you!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Second day from the sale start

"HOJI-MAN" is being conducted buried quickly.
"HOJI-MAN" is being conducted buried quickly.

It is really grateful to the person who bought!

I would often look at the sales report in the mood.
But rise in sales is falling apart and looking finely sales.
The most common is the 's ¥ 37.

So 50 coins = ¥ 100 The share of the half dividend when it is sold one is ¥ 50,
Or I was just wondering consumption tax is 46.3 yen or half of 92.59 yen in tax.

Because of the exchange of minutes sold abroad?
Sales of coins overseas because different?

The but what if you only Japan?
It's full of it you do not know.
It's full of it you do not know

And results of the second day
"¥ 428"
Thank you!
Thank you line sticker

Either would have been used safely fun?
It is a mental state of the mother bird to worry about my child traveled.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Result of the first day sales start

One day I begin to market the "HOJI-MAN".

All day feeling is fluffy I Did not settle.
Image of a man who pick the left ear
It was found to begin to sell.
I do not know how to advertise.

The bad is that I came to reject the SNS.
But not that it has almost Twitter, Facebook,

I muttered four times to take account of Twitter.

I wonder if there was the effect? ? ?
Image of a man who is suffering

Same LINE stamp creator account is found,
The spree follow,
At what I should do now?

It was not prepared at all to think approval is still tipped.

If you had started from during fabrication is good enough Twitter.
I regretted.

I think it's a stamp necessary publicity I "HOJI-MAN".
It does not appear only as weird sticker just by looking at once.
It does not appear only as weird sticker just by looking at once.

"I do not know why do you say" I think people saw this.

Keep in advertising for a long how to use the basic to some extent,
Sticker Set of feeling good is better to get to buy at the same time as the release.

It's not a sticker of feeling that you think "I want this," at first sight.

I noticed the first time when it is released.

Well, keep in raising awareness by gradually publicity from now,
It is thought that be nice if you do lead to a sequel.

At, anxious Although it is the first day of sales of "HOJI-MAN"!

"1113 yen"! ! ! !
Thank you! ! !

Ranking was about position 1000.

It would be damn good to be an amateur like never drew even picture.

And I are using it immediately with relatives since been sold,
After all "HOJI-MAN" is funny!
It can be seen that good When used continuously take the plunge.

It may be spread abroad Japanese because it uses the mind.

It may be spread abroad Japanese because it uses the mind.

Come on, work hard from tomorrow!